
To develop a Training System which works at the Individual and Organizational level to mainstream Accountable, Citizen Centric and Service Oriented police service which inculcates Required Knowledge, Desired Skills and Appropriate Attitude to achieve highest standards of competence, performance and service orientation needed for the universal reach and accessibility of human security, dignity and rights, in compliance with the values and norms enshrined in the Indian Constitution.


The Objectives of the Madhya Pradesh Police to achieve the above mentioned Aim are:

  1. The MP Police Training would be designed to develop a Training Policy with a focus on finding Training Solutions affecting its Organizational Development Goals and legal responsibilities.
  2. Training would be seen as a vehicle for Police Reforms and the realization of the Rule of Law based ideals of the Indian Constitution which must be mainstreamed through a careful inclusion of the reforms agenda to improve police performance, accountability and public trust.
  3. A Training Needs Analysis would be done before each training component to make it relevant to needs and requirements of the police in the field and ideals it must achieve. It must be based on well defined Training Needs Based Curriculum design and Implementation Mechanisms
  4. The Monitoring and Evaluation of Training and Capacity Building Measures would be used to identify Gap Areas would be an essential part of Training Policy and Practice. The Recommendations of Oversight Mechanisms and the Rulings of the Courts would be used as a reference in designing and implementing training programs.
  5. The State Police Academy would be enriched to cater to all specialized Training Requirements and work as a Think Tank and Resource Center for all Training Plans, Innovations and Evaluations
  6. All the Other Training Institutions focused on Basic Training of DSP, SI and Constables would be developed to focus on state of the art police training facilities catering to Training Needs.
  7. The Carrier Progression would be linked to the Training and specialized training centers would be developed for catering to on the job and specialized training requirements of the new recruits as well as in service officers. The Training would be considered as the benchmark in carrier progression including training lead qualifications becoming necessary for creating a specialized police service where specialization would be endorsed through essential training components to be covered through in service training modules.
  8. The District and Division Training Centers would be developed to cater to inservice training requirements, which must be systematically reinforced into the performance evaluation of field level police leadership.
  9. The Training must be linked to research and wider professional and social context for which there would be an opening up of the training design and delivery to non police trainers, experts and outside agencies with a careful mainstreaming of an outsourcing policy.
  10. Public Service Ethos, Community Embedded Work Focus, Ethical Centricity and Constitutionally Endorsed Rights parameters would remain the driving force of the Training Apparatus. The training on Law Enforcement imperatives related to the Constitutional Norms of equality, justice, fundamental rights and duties along with the directive principles of the state policy would be translated into training modules to build a more accountable and efficient police organization in the service of the public and the nation.
  11. .The Specialized training directed at Crime Investigation, Law Enforcement and Public Order Management along with developing competencies in endurance, weaponry and tactics would remain the focus of the Training. Technical and IT Skills , Soft Skills, Ethics, Gender Justice, and Policing for Vulnerable Groups and Victim Centered Policing and with a pro active Service Delivery and democratic orientation in line with the national and state government Training Policy .
  12. The Training Methodology would be based on Adult Learning Principles, Experiential Learning Methods and Interactive Learning Resources which utilize trainee centered learning methods which are interactive learning methods to carve out a robust training culture which informs improved police practices.
  13. The training would use IT with a special focus on developing digital learning based training packages; advanced simulation based learning packages along with state of art equipments and training resources. Training on Cyber Forensics, IT based investigation tool and other advanced technologies would be used for an organization wide capacity development and competency building culture of police service delivery.
  14. The Training would be intertwined with the Field practice both to provide road map for the training to assist improvement of field practice and also to inform the training to upgrade and live up to the constant dynamics of the competency development requirements of the field police.
  15. Trainer development, Mentor Development and Development of Training Managers would be a distinct focus to develop training as a carrier specialization through the development of a motivated pool of TOT trained Trainers, Mentors and facilitators.

In Service Training
  1. Develop TNAs for In Service and Pre Promotion Courses. Plan and Implement a new curriculum for In Service and Pre Promotion Courses. Implement them regularly and effectively to have a universal coverage of all promotion cases
  2. Develop Division level /Zone level Training centers by adding additional rooms to zonal district headquarters lines or control rooms to cover zonal training requirements of pre promotion courses and in service courses
  3. Develop a pool of trainers and mentors within the cadres and develop them to cover up these zonal training centers.
  4. Develop small training packages through outsourcing the packages to cater to some aspects of these trainings
  5. Link the In Service Training as a part of carrier development both for promotion and higher grade elevation purposes.
  6. Develop specializations based training packages in order to develop specializations and them link them to certain carrier paths within the organization , at least till DSP level.
  7. Develop certain Needs Based Training packages which need to be included based on Court Recommendations and Governmental Orders as essential conditions for certain jobs and positions.
  8. Willing officers including retired officer, free lance trainers who must be oriented and trained before using their services must be attached to these structure by formal attachment mechanisms which are monitored and well laid out through evaluation and quality control benchmarks.
  9. Outside specialists and training advisers must be used for structuring the training and advising on implementation and quality control. Existing budget head of specialists consultancy can be used for this purpose.
  10. Special IT based interactive training packages and reading material can also be developed through the use of this consultancy funds.

Induction Training
  1. Review old TNAs and include new TNA based curriculums in the basic Trainings at all levels.
  2. Reduce the duration of the Constable’s Training to 6 months
  3. Pool of TOT trained staff must be developed through proper motivation and carrier development mechanisms. These TOT trained trainers must have a different ACR mechamism than the usual one while they serve in the training institution.
  4. Training Packages, Adult Learning Tools, IT based solutions and interactive training solutions and software must be developed along with other learning packages and lesson plans and study material. These must also be developed through outsourcing by using specialists consultancy funds available in the existing budget heads.
  5. Trainer evaluation and trainer competency development and monitoring must be done.
  6. Field level stake holding in training delivery at the training institution must be developed.
  7. Include More Field Attachments to SI and DSP training during Academy Phase.
  8. Raise a cadre of Mentors at District and Zonal level by a careful survey , who take up the district level mentoring of the Recruits who come for District attachments from IPS up to SI level.
  9. Raise a cadre of Mentors at District and Zonal level by a careful survey , who take up the district level mentoring of the Recruits who come for District attachments from IPS up to SI level.
  10. Field Attachments of the recruits must be done through a well structured plan which is regularly monitored and accountability of all is fixed with the active involvement of the PHQ, Training Institutions and the Zone and District components . This requires holistic approach and unified evaluation mechanism.

  1. MCTP must be started for the DSP of 8 years of service and Additional SP of 12 years of service for balanced carrier development through the involvement of nationally reputed universities . These officers must also be given special exposure to mage city policing, Cyber Crime Investigation, Traffic Management, Organizational Development, Conflict Management and Communication and leadership Skills through these MCTP. Additionally a TNA can also be conducted for this purpose.
  2. MCTP for SI of 8 years of service and Inspector of 16 years of service must also be started. This can be done through a state based reputed university.

Trainer and Mentor Development
  1. Training Packages, Adult Learning Tools, IT based solutions and interactive training solutions and software must be developed along with other learning packages and lesson plans and study material. These must also be developed through outsourcing by using specialists consultancy funds available in the existing budget heads.
  2. Raise a cadre of Mentors at District and Zonal level by a careful survey , who take up the district level mentoring of the Recruits who come for District attachments from IPS up to SI level

Training and Learning Resources
  1. Training Packages, Adult Learning Tools, IT based solutions and interactive training solutions and software must be developed along with other learning packages and lesson plans and study material. These must also be developed through outsourcing by using specialists consultancy funds available in the existing budget heads.
  2. Trainer evaluation and trainer competency development and monitoring must be done.
  3. Field level mentors must be trained, graded and linked to the districts as well as training academy.

District Training Centers
  1. Develop Division level /Zone level Training centers by adding additional rooms to zonal district headquarters lines or control rooms to cover zonal training requirements of pre promotion courses and in service courses.
  2. Develop a pool of trainers and mentors within the cadres and develop them to cover up these zonal training centers.
  3. Utilize the existing MOU and PC&R budgets for the development of the additional rooms or utilize a renovated room/ building by using these funds , till new buildings come up.

Carrier Development Linkage of Training

This section deals with some starting elements in the short term through existing divisional and training center based facilities and through outsourcing- with an aim to develop them in the long terms with full scope and institutional set up.

A- General Carrier Development Platform – Aimed at general carrier development.
  1. Link the In Service Training as a part of carrier development both for promotion and higher grade elevation purposes.
  2. Develop specializations based training packages in order to develop specializations and them link them to certain carrier paths within the organization, at least till DSP level.
  3. Develop Needs Based Training packages which must be included based on Court Recommendations and Governmental Orders as essential conditions for certain jobs and positions.
  4. MCTP must be started for the DSP of 8 years of service and Additional SP of 12 years of service for balanced carrier development through the involvement of nationally reputed universities . These officers must also be given special exposure to mage city policing, Cyber Crime Investigation, Traffic Management, Organizational Development, Conflict Management and Communication and leadership Skills through these MCTP. Additionally a TNA can also be conducted for this purpose. MCTP for SI of 8 years of service and Inspector of 16 years of service must also be started. This can be done through a state based reputed university

B- Training Clinics – Rectifying and Reorientive Training (RRT)-

Aimed at the development of those officers/staff which falls short of adequate standards of work or need specialized help either for Rectifying certain skills or practices or need to Reorient themselves for better performance and service delivery.( Don’t Write off- But Work on Officers)

  1. Backtracking Investigation- Case Based Modules
  2. Backtracking Public Order Management- Case Based Modules
  3. Backtracking Conflict Management- Case Based Modules
  4. Backtracking General Police Management (In other Police areas)- Case Based Modules

C- Behavioral and Attitudinal Reorientation- Soft Skills Studios

Aimed at the development of officers competencies in Soft Skills and Communication, whose performance evaluation needs specialized help.

  1. Communication Studio
  2. Ethics Studio
  3. Soft Skills Studio
  4. Press Management Studio
  5. Community Interface Studio

Outsourcing / Interagency and University Based Linkages
  1. Provision for Linkage to Outsourced Faculty and attractive terms.
  2. Development of Hiring and competency checking of outside faculty.
  3. University MOUs for degree and certificate courses
  4. University faculty linkage.
  5. Other outside agency linkage for developing training resources
  6. Interagency linkage with other government departmenst which have similar aims and objectives of training.
  7. Encouraging an opening up policy.
  8. Listing subjects for outsourcing.

Last Updated:18 Dec, 2021