Principle Innovations and Features of Police Training in Madhya Pradesh

The Training of the MP Police is aimed to develop a Training System which works at the Individual and Organizational level to mainstream Accountable, Citizen Centric and Service Oriented police service which inculcates Required Knowledge, Desired Skills and Appropriate Attitude to achieve highest standards of competence, performance and service orientation in compliance with the values and norms enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

  1. Follows at well laid out Training Policy commensurate with Police Reforms Documents, Court Rulings, Government Instructions and Research Based Policy Feeds.
  2. Training Needs Analysis (TNA ) is done prior to the design of any long term and basic training module and other carrier linked courses. The MP police has TNA based syllabi for DSP, SI and Constable’s basic courses which use appropriate research methodology to do gap analysis, evaluate training needs of the filed and policy based recommendation all of which are systematically incorporated into Training Design, Pedagogy used and Training Delivery.
  3. The State Police Academy and Training College and Training Schools are enriched to cater to all specialized Training Requirements and work as a Think Tank and Resource Center for all Training Plans, Innovations and Evaluations. They not only cover the basic training requirements of the recruits but also cater to the In service training requirements of various regional jurisdictions assigned to each training institution –which cover a cluster of districts.
  4. The Training must be linked to research and wider professional and social context for which there would be an opening up of the training design and delivery to non police trainers, experts and outside agencies with a careful mainstreaming of an outsourcing policy.
  5. The Training Methodology is based on Adult Learning Principles, Experiential Learning Methods and Interactive Learning Resources which utilize trainee centered learning methods which are interactive learning methods to carve out a robust training culture which informs improved police practices.
  6. The training uses IT with a special focus on developing digital learning based training packages; advanced simulation based learning packages along with state of art equipments and training resources. Training on Cyber Forensics, IT based investigation tool and other advanced technologies are used for an organization wide capacity development and competency building culture of police service delivery.
  7. Trainer development, Mentor Development and Development of Training Managers would be a distinct focus to develop training as a carrier specialization through the development of a motivated pool of TOT trained Trainers, Mentors and facilitators.
  8. Constables Training as a basic focus of Training. It is TNA based – Constable Training syllabus, Pedagogy, Infrastructure and Training Delivery is all Needs based, well researched and properly funded to bring out best results.
  9. Trainer and Mentor Development is the major focus a systematic Training of Trainers Program caters to trainer development and a concentrated policy on mentor development where not only training institution trainers but a range of filed level officers are developed as mentors and trained in mentoring skills.
  10. Training Improvement through Evidence Based and Research Based Training Design through collaborations with think tanks and Universities .
  11. Emphasis on Behavioral and Attitudinal Reorientation through the development of officers competencies in Soft Skills and Communication.
  12. Some of the Major Innovations used are as follows:
    • Online Training increased due to Pandemic .Web linked Training with dedicated online platforms and Youtibe channel covers training requirements of the entire state but also of other police organizations and personnel of other related professional areas. The online Trainer based comes from best in the field at local, sub national, national and even international level.
    • Research and Policy Cell catering to the demands of Training and Capacity Building. The Training is research linked. the Research collaborations with national and international Universities and Think Tanks has greatly enriched the training design, improved different field practices through training linked and training aimed action research and other innovations .
    • Specialized Training in Gender Justice, Crime Against Women and Children, Soft Skills, Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime are advanced to make specai centers like –Gender Resource Center, Soft Skills Center, Police Webinar Center Webinar and Cyber Crime Training Centers in the state.
    • TNA Based Syllabus for all ranks for basic training The state Police imparts TNA training to other institutions along with courses on Digital Pedagogy
    • MCTP- Mid Carrier Training Programs for DSP, Addl SP rank officers with specialized components
    • Constable Focused Training -Basic focus on Constable Training Innovations – Achieved the first Union Home Minister’s Trophy of the Best Constables Training Institution in the Country
    • Trainer and Mentor Development
    • Development of Training and Learning Resources
    • Emphasis on Behavioral and Attitudinal Training throughCommunication Skills, Ethics, Soft Skills
    • Emphasis on Community Oriented Training
    • Outsourcing / Interagency and University Based Linkages
      1. University MOUs for degree and certificate courses
      2. University faculty linkage.
      3. Other outside agency linkage for developing training resources
      4. Linkages and MOUs with Think tanks, Consultancy and Research Organizations linkages.


Last Updated:18 Dec, 2021