The Partners for Resilience (PfR) is an alliance of five Netherlands-based humanitarian, development and environmental organizations: the Netherlands Red Cross (Lead agency), CARE Nederland, Cordaid, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, and Wetlands International (WI). The PfR aims to reduce the impact of natural hazards on the livelihoods of around 4,00,000 vulnerable people worldwide. The Alliance uses an integrated approach to mitigate disaster risk and enhance livelihoods, particularly by addressing climate change and ecosystem management and restoration.
The alliance wants to make people less vulnerable by implementing various intervention strategies:-
The programme centres on analyzing the causal factors behind risk in a way that integrates environmental, social and institutional factors, and develops effective responses. Good water resources management and especially the role of a connected and natural delta system are promoted as key to decrease vulnerability to floods.
Interventions are aimed at building capacities of local communities, creating an effective information base, creating and strengthening local institutions for natural-resource management, and linking development policies and programmes at all scales. Partners collected evidence on the important role of community-based risk management institutions in preparedness and response.
Partners for Resilience (PfR) is an consortium of Dutch humanitarian, development, climate and environment civil society organization (Care, Cordaid, Red Cross, Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Centre and Wetlands International) and their partner organizations in India and eight other countries.
IRCS NHQ became a major stakeholder of the PfR programme under consortium, known as the Partners for Resilience. The Strategic Partnership with IRCS NHQ has implemented since 2016 in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand and will be continued till 2020. In 2018, another three state branches were included (i.e. Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu) and it will be continued till 2020.
The Partnership will undertake activities to respond to the policy, practice and investment gaps that limit application of IRM approaches. The training has been designed to fulfill the following purposes:
Heat-related illnesses and deaths in India could be largely preventable and avoidable through better communications to vulnerable people to heat, helping people to avoid those conditions.