

All member are associated with the Red Cross world over.

The Patron membership certificates issued by the national Headquarters of the Indian Red Cross Society are signed by Honourbale President of India, in his capacity as President of the Indian Red Cross Society.

Vice – Patron, Life Member and Life Associate membership certificates are signed by the Chairman and Secretary General of the society.

Indian Red Cross Society has its branches in every state, union territory and district level. Membership is obtained by enrolling in the respective state/district branch of the India Red Cross society to which one belongs.

On becoming Patron, Vice-Patron and Life member of the India Red Cross Society who gets the opportunity to be invited , on the recommendations of the enrolling state/district Branch, for attending the Annual General Meeting of the society. The Annual General Meeting is presided by Honourbale President of India .

On becoming member in any grade of membership, the individual helps in rendering Red Cross a noble cause to serve the most vulnerable and thereby reaching to the needy, through Red Cross.

Individual/institutions enrolling themselves in different grade of memberships by subscribing the membership fee as follows 

  Patron - Rs. 25000
  Vice-Patron - Rs. 12000
  Life member - Rs. 1000
  Life associate - Rs. 250
  Annual Member - Rs. 50 per annum
  Annual Associate - Rs 10 per annum
  Institutional Member - Rs. 5000 per annum


Volunteering has been at the very heart of the Red Cross since its inception in 1920.Volunteers are the backbone of all Indian Red Cross activities, helping branches to run successful programmes and assisting millions of vulnerable people in need. IRCS rewards and recognizes volunteers whenever possible and provides appropriate personal development opportunities.

IRCS recruits volunteers irrespective of their race, ethnicity, sex, religious belief, age, and disability or membership.

All volunteers are entitled to become a Member of Indian Red Cross Society; can have appropriate training to be able to undertake the agreed tasks or role; and accept or refuse any task or role in accordance with code of ethics or fundamentals of voluntary service.

If one wants to become a Volunteer, Please contact nearest State / UT / District Red Cross (State Branch addresses - North zone, South zone, East zone, West zone)


Youth and Junior Red Cross

A substantial portion of the membership of Indian Red Cross Society is made up of young people. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth programme.

When can we start? At the beginning of the school /college term is a good time to start programmes, but you can contact your local branch at any time for more information.

Ask your counsellor/program officer (teachers/lecturers) and contact District Red Branch /State Red Cross Branch if you do not have a Red Cross wing in your school/colleges.


Last Updated On:11 Nov, 2021
Diary / calendar 2021 Diary/calendar 2021 Diary/calendar 2021